Our Story

Thomas Edison once said, “there’s a way to do it better… find it!”

Some years ago, I discovered the power of eating healthy and naturally. I realized that my new holistic path should also include caring for my skin, for instance, selecting the right deodorant. So, I started surveying the market for a natural deodorant free of all toxins. I tested plenty of them, all full of brand promises, but none were effective. That is why I founded Zulay Switzerland. I realized that using 100% pure & natural ingredients can deliver high-performance results when it comes to skin care. In December 2021, Nicole Rossier, one of our faithful customers with a passion for natural skincare, acquired Zulay Switzerland. I am confident that Nicole will continue the legacy by placing customers and ingredients first.

Zulay Buchs, December 2021

Sometimes all it takes is one encounter for destiny to change direction. An encounter with a product, with a person, with an idea, and a beautiful story begins. By handing over the brand, Zulay trusted me to make it grow. While remaining faithful to the values that motivated the creation of this brand, I am delighted to begin this adventure by taking up the torch in order to offer, with natural products, a healthier alternative for the skin.

Nicole, December 2021